Ceres - Sunny Puree is a whole meal pureed food,
all organic, gluten free, paleo-friendly and vegan.


It is our desire to provide peace of mind, social freedom and flexibility for adventurous people on a pureed food diet. Our purees are ready to eat in just minutes, simply by adding hot or cold water.


These recipes derive from the love of a mom for her daughter with dysphagia, and her 14 year quest to provide truly delicious food. “Tasty, organic, high quality food” is our motto.


Your health is important to us. This is why we strive to provide you with high quality food, using only organic ingredients. Our meals have no added sugar, preservatives or additives. Sunny Puree’s meals are very nutritious as they contain a great variety of fruits and vegetables. We use plant-based proteins to achieve nutritional balance.